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home>Fashion Jewellery>Necklaces>Layered Necklaces>Alloy Fashion Animal The Necklace (alloy - 1) Nhqd5369-alloy-1
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Alloy Fashion Animal The Necklace  (alloy - 1) Nhqd5369-alloy-1
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Alloy Fashion Animal The Necklace  (alloy - 1) Nhqd5369-alloy-1 main image 2
Alloy Fashion Animal The Necklace  (alloy - 1) Nhqd5369-alloy-1 main image 3
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Alloy Fashion Animal The Necklace (alloy - 1) Nhqd5369-alloy-1

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Color:  Gold
Style:  Fashion
Design:  Diamond
Gender:  Women'S
Pattern:  Insect
Material:  Alloy
Occasion:  Travel
Classification:  Necklace
Weight:  20g
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